





My Cousin Reina

"_Tadaima_! I'm home!" I called out as I slid back the 
metal-framed door of our house and removed my shoes in 
the tiny entrance lobby: "_Okaeri nasai_! Welcome 
back!" replied my mother's voice from somewhere inside 
in the traditional response to my announcement.

As I expected, my mother was seated in the eight-mat 
room which was the main living-space of our small 
traditional house, paying no attention to the game show 
playing on the television and reading the evening 
edition of the _Mainichi Shimbun_.

"What are we having to eat?" I asked at once.

"Wait and see," said my mother. Then, relenting, she 
added: "I bought some _sashimi_ on the way home and 
then there are some burgers in the fridge. You like 
those, don't you?"

"Ooh, yes - lovely!"

"Now, it's getting late so hurry up and get ready. And 
I have something important to tell you."

"What? What?" I asked excitedly.

"Wait and see," said my mother again, and this time 
meant it.

I hurried to the little room which was both my sleeping 
space and my study, dropped my schoolbag beside the 
desk where I would later have to do my homework, and 
quickly stripped off my high-school sailor-suit 
uniform. I changed to a _yukata_ cotton bathrobe and 
ran to the bathroom at the back of the house. The water 
in the _o-furo_ was still hot - my mother usually 
filled it for us both as soon as she returned from her 
office - and after a quick wash and rinse with the 
hand-shower I stepped into the tub and sat for a while 
with the water up to my neck. I didn't stay long. It 
wasn't really late, despite what my mother had said, 
but I knew she liked to get dinner over early so that 
she could supervise my homework and then get to bed: 
she had an early start and a long commute every morning 
to the real-estate company in Otemachi, the Tokyo 
financial centre, where she had worked ever since my 
father had walked out on us both when I was very young. 
I tended to take my mother for granted, but if I 
thought about it at all I was proud of the industrious 
and self-sacrificing way she had shouldered 
responsibility for the two of us, becoming a valued and 
reliable employee and living down the shame of having 
been abandoned by my father.

I patted myself dry with a little towel as the hot 
water steamed off me. These days I liked to examine 
myself as best I could after the bath in the little 
mirror, checking the progress of the physical changes 
that had recently started happening to me: the swelling 
curves of my firm young breasts and buttocks, the 
narrowing of my waist, the first signs of black fuzz 
between my legs ... I knew these were natural 
developments and nothing to be ashamed of. My mother 
had told me what to expect and why these things were 
happening to me, and of course at school giggling 
groups of girls secretively compared each others' 
development when changing for gym classes. I was 
considered to be one of the most advanced, though of 
course I was very careful to be modest and not seem to 
show off. I discreetly denied my progress towards 
becoming a grown-up girl even though I was privately 
rather proud of it - and enjoyed the way running my 
fingers lightly over my skin now sent fluttering spasms 
of pleasure all through me. I had heard, or read 
somewhere, that lovers did that to each other; but I 
could hardly imagine myself having a lover or knowing 
how to find one. I didn't think of the boys who 
sometimes joined us girls after classes and wanted us 
to play with their cocks as lovers - they were just 
part of the casual physical contact of school. I was an 
average sort of girl, really: a little over average 
height perhaps, because of my fairly long legs, and a 
bit slimmer than most of my friends, but otherwise quite 

There was a little tape-measure hidden in the sleeve of 
my _yukata_ which I sometimes used to check how well my 
breasts were growing. Exploring my newly sensitive body 
I had discovered wonderful feelings which spread from 
the strange folds between my legs and from the hard 
points of my new breasts when I touched and stroked 
them. One or two girls, more daring than me and with 
more generous allowances than my mother could afford to 
give me, passed round magazines published for teenaged 
girls, containing a mixture of advice articles and 
explicit _manga_ cartoons, from which I learned that 
there was nothing unnatural about these nice feelings 
and that a girl could and should learn to make them 
even nicer by special movements of her fingers, 
exploring more adventurously between her legs with one 
hand and pinching her nipples hard with the other. It 
seemed strange that hurting oneself like that should 
feel so good, but I couldn't deny that it did! The 
writers in the magazines even spoke about how these 
feelings could build up into overwhelming climaxes 
which were the most wonderful experiences a girl could 
have. I hadn't had those experiences yet, but I was 
looking forward to them.

But tonight there was no time for measuring myself and 
experimenting with new ways of making myself tingle and 
quiver with enjoyment. My mother had told me to be 
quick, and she had an important matter to discuss. I 
hurried back to my little sleeping area, gathered my 
long hair together into a simple clip, and put on a 
clean pair of school knickers and a simple blouse and 
long skirt. In the living area my mother had already 
shared out the slices of raw fish and had prepared tiny 
plates with a little pool of soy sauce and a dab of 
green _wasabi_ horseradish. We sat on chairs and ate 
from a small round table: there was a square of carpet 
spread over the _tatami_ mats to stop the legs of the 
Western furniture damaging them. My mother couldn't 
afford for us to move to a more modern house or 
apartment, but we both liked to make ourselves 
comfortable with what we had. Of course I could sit on 
my heels in Japanese style if I needed to, and when I 
did I tried to emulate my mother who looked wonderfully 
elegant in Japanese dress and posture, but that was for 
special formal occasions.

"Did you have a good day, dear?" asked my mother.

"Oh, yes ... English, and gym class ..."

"You enjoy those, don't you?"

"I suppose so ... and after school I played and chatted 
with some friends."

I did not explain that nowadays playing with friends 
often meant innocent sexual experimentation, or that 
the things we chatted about included the exciting new 
pleasures we were finding in our developing bodies and 
the strange but thrilling things boys expected us to do 
to them. My mother didn't ask or require me to come 
home straight after school. The house would be empty 
anyway, as she worked quite long hours at her office.

We finished the _sashimi_ and my mother moved to the 
tiny cooking area where she grilled the burgers and 
scooped rice for us both from the rice cooker. She 
served the rice on plates beside the burgers so of 
course we laid down our chopsticks and ate the food 
with knives and forks. When she had returned to her 
chair, she looked at me seriously.

"Now, Sayaka," she said, "I want you to be very 
grown-up and very sensible."

I knew this was going to be important because she 
addressed me by my full name. That only happened when 
she was in a very serious mood. Normally I was just 
Saya - or even Saa-chan.

"I had a private phone call at the office today. I'm 
sorry to say that Grandfather is very ill."

Grandfather Isobe was her father, of course. He was 
over eighty, a widower and lived in an old people's 
home in Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu. My 
mother was his only child. Of course I had, in theory, 
other grandparents - my father's parents - but I had 
had no contact with them since he had left us. I said 
nothing: just looked at my mother and waited for her to 
tell me what was going to happen.

"I went to see my Section Chief and told him I felt I 
had to go to him. He wasn't pleased, of course - I had 
to admit to receiving a private call at work, for one 
thing - but once he'd taken in how serious it was he 
had to admit I'd never asked for special treatment 

I knew that was true. My mother was determined to make 
a success of her position in the company and part of 
that was never asking for special leave, or even 
quitting the office early, to cope with family 
responsibilities. It hadn't been easy. When I had been 
going through the childhood illnesses which meant 
taking me to the hospital or even just to the doctor's 
office, she had had to ask friends and neighbours to 
stand in for her. They were willing enough to help when 
they could - they admired her determination to earn her 
living honestly and her commitment to her employer - 
but inevitably obligations built up and had to be 
discharged. People support each other in a Japanese 
community but the help and support have to be mutual: 
free-loaders are not respected.

"So in the end he agreed I could take some of my annual 
leave starting tomorrow. Of course I don't know how 
long I'll have to be away. This may upset our holiday 

I still said nothing, but that was a blow. We couldn't 
afford expensive holidays but the union my mother 
belonged to owned a resort hotel at a hot-spring town 
in Hokkaido. My mother's application to rent rooms 
there this summer at the union members' special rate 
had been successful, and we were going with a 
neighbouring family who had a teenage son and daughter. 
Letting them benefit from the cheap rate which my 
mother could obtain was part of the complicated process 
of paying off debts and obligations; but even though 
the young people attended a different school from mine 
we were friends and I had been looking forward to the 
holiday enormously.

"Still, it may not come to that," my mother was saying. 
"The immediate problem is what to do about you. I can't 
take you with me, even if I could take you out of school."

"I suppose I could manage on my own," I said 
determinedly. "After all, I'm fifteen now."

"I'm sure you could," said my mother kindly, "but I 
have a better idea. It's so difficult being such a 
small family," she said rather sadly, laying down her 
fork and stretching. It had obviously been a tiring 
day. Without waiting to be asked, I moved round the 
table and began to massage her shoulders.

"Ah, that's good. Thank you. But don't you want to hear 
what I decided?"

"Of course."

"I've asked your cousin Reina to come and stay while 
I'm away. She'll make sure you come to no harm."

"But that's wonderful!"

Reina was the daughter of my father's sister and was 
the only member of his family who had stayed in contact 
with us. She was five years older than me, so she must 
now be twenty and officially an adult. She had always 
been kind to me and I worshipped her. She seemed to me 
incredibly glamorous and sophisticated, always 
beautifully dressed in the latest sexy fashions - and 
to add to all that she had for the past two years had 
some kind of job in the movie industry. She had never 
told me exactly what she did but it sounded wonderfully 

"I thought you'd be pleased!" said my mother with a 
smile. "Of course she'll be out all day doing whatever 
it is she does, but she'll sleep here and will make 
sure you eat properly and do your homework. And I want 
you to promise me," she went on more seriously, "not to 
impose on her or take advantage of her kindness."

"Of course I won't. Promise. It will be _so_ exciting to 
have her all to myself for days and days!"

"Not _too_ exciting, I hope."


The next day was a Thursday. My mother said good-bye to 
me as I left for school: she would have arrived in 
Fukuoka by the Shinkansen bullet-train long before I 
was home that evening. I was distracted and inattentive 
all day at school, longing for my meeting with Reina 
when I got home. I hoped she would be there waiting for 

She was. In the entrance lobby was a pair of 
fashionable white boots with high silver heels and 
pretty chain decorations all down the front. She came 
out to meet me in her stockinged feet, not bothering 
with the traditional greeting.

"Oh, how lovely to see you again, Saa-chan!" she cried, 
hugging me and lifting me up into the house in a very 
untraditional way. "We _are_ going to have fun 
together!" She held me away from herself. "You're 
looking very well. And how you've grown! Quite the 
elegant young lady."

"You're looking _so_ beautiful, Reina-san," I said with 
a touch of longing - even envy - in my voice.

Her hair, waved and bleached to a mid-brown, tumbled 
gracefully down her back. He face was beautifully made 
up, her lips painted a pretty petunia colour which I 
knew from the magazines was highly fashionable just 
then but which I would surely never be allowed to use 
myself. Her sleeveless dress was just a silvery sheath 
which reached only a little way down her thighs: I 
could guess how pretty it would look when teamed with 
the high-heeled boots with silver decorations which I 
had seen in the entrance hall. Her slim legs were shown 
off by black tights in a narrow fishnet pattern. Even 
though the dress had a high neck it showed off the 
shapeliness of her breasts: so much more rounded than 
mine, I thought sadly. I just gazed at her, uncertain 
what to say.

"Now," she said, "my instructions from your mother are 
that you are to take your bath and then have your 
dinner. Of course we'll talk while we eat but then it's 
supposed to be homework - and no television or games 
till you've finished."

I smiled and nodded. I had promised not to be a 
nuisance to her.

"So why don't you go and drop your schoolbooks, then 
get out of your sailor-suit, and we'll meet at the 

"To–together?" I said, startled.

"Well, yes! We can talk there as long as we like!"

Of course I didn't mind being naked and sharing the 
bath with other girls. We did that all the time when we 
visited hot-spring resorts - as I was still hoping we 
would be able to in the summer. But my mother usually 
let me have privacy in our bath at home.

Still, a few minutes later I stepped into the lobby of 
the bathroom, folded my long hair onto the top of my 
head and pinned it there roughly, and took off my 
_yukata_ and hung it on a peg beside Reina's. She was 
already splashing about on the other side of the 
frosted glass door. I slid it open and joined her. She 
was standing under the shower preparatory to soaping 
herself, wearing only a towel round her hair. She 
looked even more beautiful than she had done in her 
pretty minidress: half a head taller than me, with - as 
I had already guessed - breasts and bottom much more 
curved and shapely than mine and shown off by an 
enviably slim waist.

"Oh, you're _so_ beautiful!" I couldn't help saying.

"But haven't you developed since I saw you last!" she 
replied. "You were just straight up-and-down then, but 
look at you now!"

"Yes, but not like you."

"Oh, you soon will be. Your breasts are still growing. 
But you're turning into a young woman. Quite fast, I 

Once we were both thoroughly wet from the shower we 
squatted on the tiny plastic stools - my mother 
couldn't afford the proper wooden ones which added to 
the pine-forest smell of a traditional Japanese bath - 
and soaped ourselves. As the younger, I of course 
picked up a little wet towel and scrubbed Reina's back 
for her.

"Ooh, that's nice! Now let me do it to you."

She did more than scrub my back: her soapy hands were 
soon creeping round to my front, washing and stroking 
my growing breasts, and even lightly tickling my 
crotch. I moaned with pleasure and leant back against 
her as she squatted behind me.

"Nice?" she said in a soft, teasing voice.

"Wonderful. Oh, wonderful!"

Her hands were on my breasts again, alternately 
flicking the hard nipples and then pinching them.

"How lovely they are," she said. "Still growing, of 
course, but _so_ firm. And the nipples are as hard as 
little rocks. Beautiful. Are they always like that?"

"Only ... you know, I can't stop them being like that 
... they get hard and stick out whenever I think of ... 
you know ..."

"And are you thinking of sex now?" she asked gently.

It was just as well the steamy heat in the bathroom had 
made me pink all over, or she would have seen my 
blushes. She didn't wait for an answer: she knew I was, 
and she knew it was her delightful teasing of my most 
sensitive places that was making me do it.

"Do you do this to yourself?" she asked softly. 
"_Onani_? Masturbation?"

"Yes," I admitted in a whisper.

"Good! We must talk about it. I must show you how I do 
it. After all, it's one of the best things about being 
a girl, isn't it? That ... and all the other things." 
She laughed, and gave both my nipples a hard pinch. 
"Now it's my turn. Do it to me."

We exchanged places and now it was my soapy hands which 
were exploring her breasts. They were so beautiful, I 
thought, it felt like stroking a work of art. She leant 
back against me as I had done to her, and opened her 
legs a little way. I knew what she wanted and began 
gently stroking her crotch. It felt very different from 
mine: not just the springy curls of her hair, but the 
openings, the strange places that seemed so much more 
developed and interesting than mine did ...

"Oh, that's nice," she said. "But I must show you how 
to do it even better. And how to do it to a man, of 
course. That's what being a grown-up girl is all about, 
isn't it? Knowing how to give pleasure ... and how to 
receive it. We must make the very most of it, don't you 

"Well, yes ... I suppose so ..."

"Let's get into the bath now."

We stood up again, helped each other rinse off the soap 
under the shower, and stepped together carefully into 
the hot water. There wasn't much room but we found it 
possible to sit almost side-by-side, at an angle to 
each other, my right shoulder against her left.

"You're beginning to grow a little hair then," said 
Reina once we were comfortably settled.

"Er, yes ... it's recently started to come ... some of 
my friends have it too," I added in a burst of 

"I wonder ... have you thought of shaving it off?"

"Oh ... do you think I should? I thought it was a good 
thing to have - you, know, being more grown-up ..."

"Well, it's a difficult decision. I think a girl should 
be one thing or the other. Properly grown-up, I mean, 
or still young and just beginning. When I was your age 
I decided to keep my pussy shaved smooth. It made me 
look very young and girlish! Until, as I say, I was 
properly grown-up. Then it's all right to let it grow. 
So long as you keep it neat and tidy, of course. Most 
men like it that way."

I was confused. Just now having a little hair was a 
subject of envy for other girls who hadn't started yet. 
What did men and their preferences have to do with it, 
I wanted to know?

"Don't you want to be desired by men?"

"Well, yes ... I suppose so."

"At your age you should want it very much. You're just 
beginning to discover the power you have over men. The 
more they want you, the more you can control them, and 
make them give you pleasure."

"I never thought of it that way. Most of my friends 
talk all the time of getting boyfriends. It seems the 
boys have power over us, if you see what I mean. The 
power to choose us. Or not."

"Well, yes, it can seem that way. But wouldn't you like 
to be so desirable that lots and lots of men want you, 
and you're the one with the power to choose?"

I began to wriggle with embarrassment. But then I 
realised I was causing the water to swirl round us 
making us uncomfortably hot, so I was still again 
before Reina could complain.

"I suppose at the moment your experiences are only with 
boys," she went on. "But men - properly grown-up men - 
are often crazy about very young girls. Girls who are 
certainly ready for sex and are probably already having 
plenty, but look as if they haven't quite begun. D'you 
know what I mean? Men like that adore young girls with 
completely hairless pussies, and will do _anything_ to 
have them. In fact, it's quite fashionable these days 
for even girls of my age and older to shave all their 
hair off."


"Yes They think it makes them look as if they're still 
young and inexperienced. It doesn't really. They're 
fully developed young women in every other respect, and 
- as I said - I think they should make the most of 
being that. But at your age, for a short while, you can 
present yourself as a little _roriita_ just beginning 
to discover sex. You know, looking as if you know 
nothing about it but are longing to be told. And 

I looked at her with my mouth open and my eyes shining 
through the steam of the bath. The way she described 
it, it did seem exciting.

"You're very lucky. You can have _so_ much fun that 
way. And so can your lovers. They'll tell each other 
about you, and keep coming back for more."

I thought about this new idea. It did sound fun as well 
as thrilling. I especially liked the idea of lots of 
lovers telling each other about me and all desiring me. 
It made me want to squirm with excitement - except that 
in the hot water I couldn't.

"What lovers are you having anyway?" Reina asked.

"Just ... you know ... boys at school," I murmured 

"Tell me."

"Well, some of us girls meet sometimes privately in the 
gymnasium after school," I said. I hadn't told my 
mother about this: she was content for me to spend time 
with friends after school, rather than coming home to 
an empty house, but she thought we just visited 
shopping malls and cafes together. "You know, comparing 
each others' bodies. Stroking each other, like you and 
I did just now. Sharing magazines. And some of the boys 
found out and came to join us."

"Nice for them. Most schoolboys dream of finding a 
gymnasium full of nude, willing girls."


"Are you still a virgin?"

"I don't know, really ..."

"Oh, come on. You must know," said Reina, sounding 
irritated with me for the first time. "What has 
happened so far?"

"Well, sometimes a boy begs me to let him put his thing 
into my, er ..."

"Into your pussy?"

"Yes, into my, er, pussy ... and occasionally I let him 
because I want him to so much, and it feels _so_ 
wonderful ... but I always insist that he takes it out 
again quickly. I know it's dangerous."

"And you're not taking any precautions?"


"So you're not. That _is_ dangerous. You could always 
get an abortion if anything happens, but that costs 
money and it's much better to avoid it altogether. When 
is your period due?"

"Next week."

"All right. So you should be safe for the next few 
days." Afterwards I wondered why she was so concerned 
about the next few days, but I said nothing at the 
time. "And when you've had your period, you must start 
on the pill. I'll arrange a supply for you."

"Thank you."

"No, of course you must have that. You can _really_ 
enjoy sex when you don't have to worry about anything. 
It makes being a girl _much_ more fun. But your boys - 
when they've pulled out, what do they do then?"

"Oh, then I take them in my mouth," I said happily. 
"That's so nice! Their ... things ... are so beautiful 
when they're hard and strong! I kiss them and suck 
them, and they shout and say how wonderful I am - and 
then that lovely moment when they suddenly fill my 
mouth with delicious juice ..."

"Yes, I can see you've got the taste for it! Lucky you. 
And lucky them."

"That's how it started," I said dreamily, remembering.


We had been in the gymnasium together, seven or eight 
of us. My best friend Masumi and I were together, 
sitting or rather half lying on one of the gymnasium 
mats. We had just discovered that we could give each 
other lovely shivery feelings by stroking each other's 
bottoms - very lightly, with just our fingertips, 
letting them wander across the curves almost at random. 
It felt different from the sort of giggly spasms you 
got from being tickled as a child, I thought: it set 
off a sort of shimmer of pleasure all through you. 
Masumi and I had noticed it for the first time when 
helping each other to change after gym class the day 
before, but a teacher had seen that we were delaying 
the others and told us to hurry up. We had been looking 
forward to experimenting further, and had taken off our 
school skirts and knickers so as to enjoy the nice 
feeling more intimately. Masumi's gentle stroking 
didn't just make my bottom shiver, I was finding: the 
feeling spread to my breasts and crotch, and was even 
giving me a strange sensation of constriction in my 
throat. I hoped I was giving her the same pleasure and 
was shyly trying to find the right words to ask her, 
when the door suddenly opened and a group of boys came 
in. For a moment we were all - boys and girls alike - 
so startled that we could not react, but then some of 
the girls began to scream and grab their clothes. For 
some reason, Masumi and I did not do that: we just held 
each other more tightly.

Seeing us reclining naked in each other's arms - it 
occurred to me much later, thinking over this momentous 
event in my sexual development, that we must have been 
a very arousing sight - one of the bolder boys ran over 
to us. Almost immediately he had pulled down his gym 
shorts and I had my first sight of an erect male cock.

I wasn't frightened - I was fascinated. I could not 
take my eyes off it. I forgot all about Masumi. I sat 
up, and my hands, as if they had a will of their own, 
reached out.

"May I ... may I touch it?" I asked in a tiny voice.

"If you like."

He was kneeling in front of me now, his cock throbbing 
as the sight of my nakedness strengthened his erection. 
I did not know it, of course, but it was my first 
experience of what Reina had been telling me about: the 
power a girl's sexuality has over a man.

"It doesn't hurt?" I asked anxiously, hearing him moan.

"No ... it's good ... _good_ ..."

My hand cradled the tube of flesh and then began to 
stroke it gently, feeling for the first time the beauty 
of the soft velvet over the iron within. I bent over 
it, my face almost touching it. My other hand, knowing 
what to do better than I did myself, crept down and 
began to tickle and weigh the sack of his balls - full, 
though I was yet to discover it, of that 
strange-tasting yet beautiful creamy liquid that every 
girl, having once tasted it, longs for ever afterwards.

"Oh, that's _good_ ..." he was repeating.

I had forgotten all about Masumi. She might just as 
well not have been there - in fact, I think she had 
already been borne off to another mat where two boys 
were sharing her initiation into joy.

"May I ..."

I was about to say "kiss it," but I did not need to. My 
hand had already raised the fully erect cock to my lips 
and they were lightly brushing its beautiful length. It 
all seemed so right, so natural, as if I already knew 
what to do. As of course my hands and lips did.

Then, suddenly, my lovely new possession was in my 
mouth, and now it was my tongue and the soft channel 
inside me that were enjoying its gentle strength. Of 
course I relived the experience moment by moment 
thousands of times afterwards, but I could never 
remember exactly how that happened. Did he take the 
initiative in thrusting his erection between my lips? 
Or was I still being driven by some instinctive wisdom 
hidden in my hands and mouth which took over from my 
conscious mind and knew the moment had come to 
surrender my oral virginity? I think what may have 
happened was that my softly kissing lips had progressed 
to the tip of the cock and had opened into a tiny O of 
surprise on encountering a little bubble of pre-cum 
emerging from it. Whether he skilfully took the 
opportunity of sliding his weapon into the sheath 
prepared for it, or whether I myself drew it into its 
waiting home I do not know. Both at once, probably.

For a few moments it lay quietly there where it 
belonged while my mouth and tongue made it welcome. But 
he was hot and eager: perhaps it was his first time too 
- I never asked him. Soon my beautiful guest began to 
thrust and wriggle within its home and then I was 
suddenly aware that it was thickening and becoming more 
urgent and demanding. And then ...

The sudden spasms which projected a thick, 
strange-tasting material onto my tongue and the back of 
my throat took me completely by surprise. I hardly 
heard his shout of joy and moans of happiness as his 
orgasm peaked and then gradually faded. I was trying to 
tell if what was coating my mouth and tongue was solid 
or liquid, and indeed if I liked it. If I had been 
presented with such a strange substance as part of an 
exotic dish I would have taken just a little on my 
chopsticks and tried it out cautiously before deciding 
if I wanted more. But there was no room for choice: my 
mouth was flooded with the stuff! It tasted bitter at 
first - but then it had been shot vigorously onto the 
back area of my tongue where the taste-buds are said to 
be particularly sensitive to bitterness. Then as my 
throat grappled with the material clogging it, and at 
the same time my lips and mouth tried to hold the still 
erect cock where it belonged, my saliva began to flow 
and mingle with the strange substance and dilute it. It 
still tasted strange but I found I began to like it. As 
my senses came to terms with it I was also aware of its 
smell. That too was strange but somehow exciting: it 
took control of me, thrilling me and making me want 
more of it.

The cock was shrinking, softening and gradually 
withdrawing from my lips. My hands were once again 
holding and cradling it. As it emerged from my mouth 
and my eyes focussed on it I saw that there were still 
drops of the translucent substance hanging from the 
tip: not wanting to lose any of it, I quickly harvested 
them on the tip of my tongue and then kissed the 
smooth, beautiful head as it finally left me. Freed of 
its presence my tongue and mouth were now mixing, 
blending and savouring the delicious cum. Yes - there 
was no doubt about it, it was delicious once one was 
used to it and knew how to appreciate it!

I looked up and my eyes met his.

"Oh, that was _good_ ... so good!" he was saying again.

I was still gently holding his cock, now no longer the 
hard tube in its gentle covering but softening and 
drooping. I stroked it consolingly. It had been so 
wonderful: would it be so again, and how soon? I sat 
back a little, and some instinct made me open my mouth 
so that he could see his gift swirling around inside as 
I tasted it, tested it, swallowed it down little by 
little. The exciting smell was still thrilling through 
me, making me shiver and somehow giving a sweet tingle 
to my breasts and crotch. I had never known a smell do 
that before!

"Will you ... will you let me do that again?"

I tried to say yes, but I was too overwhelmed, and my 
mouth was too clogged, to be able to speak. But he saw 
the answer in my eyes. I was already an addict.


I was suddenly aware of Reina smiling at me.

"Happy memories, darling?"

"Oh, yes! I was thinking of the first time I saw a 
boy's ... er ..."

"Cock," said Reina firmly.

"Yes, cock ... it was _so_ beautiful, I just couldn't 
stop myself taking hold of it. It was as if my hands 
had a will of their own. Of course I asked him if I 
might, was he sure it didn't hurt, and then I just 
couldn't help kissing it, and then of course, I don't 
quite know how, it was in my mouth and I was sucking 
it, and then that wonderful thing happened."

"Again and again?" asked Reina with a smile.

"Yes ... whenever I'm with a boy I ask him - I _beg_ 
him - to let me do it. That's all right, isn't it?"

"Of course. But it's much better with a real man, who 
can control himself and make it last longer. You'll 

"Will I?"

"That's what men are for, and don't you ever forget it. 
They exist to give pleasure to us girls. And that's 
what their cocks are for, when they get big and hard 
and are desperate to get into our love-holes. A man has 
an erection because he finds you desirable. It's your 
sexy body and the way you look and dress and, you know, 
behave that made his cock so hard and so full of lust. 
His erection wasn't there till he saw you and wanted 
you. You made it happen. It's yours. You have a right 
to do anything you like with it. Don't ever forget 

I said nothing. This was all too new, too difficult to 
take in at once. But it felt so exciting! Then I 
thought of something.

"And if I am ... if I make myself what you said, a 
little _roriita_ with no hair, and that makes a man's 
cock get all hard and lovely, you mean then that's mine 
to do what I like with?"

"Exactly!" She smiled at me the way a teacher did when 
I'd got something right. "But now we must get out of 
here and have dinner. And after that you have your 
homework to do."

We stepped carefully out of the hot water and patted 
each other dry with the little towels as the steam rose 
from our rosy bodies. Then, in the lobby, I wrapped my 
_yukata_ loosely about myself before going to my room 
to change. I noticed though that Reina was putting on 
her _yukata_ more carefully, arranging the skirt snugly 
round her bottom and thighs while leaving the upper 
part loose over her breasts. She then tied her broad 
_obi_ sash tightly round her waist with a pretty bow at 
her back. She looked charming.

"Are you going to wear your _yukata_ for dinner?" I 

"Yes - aren't you? I always feel it's nice after a hot 

In fact I had been planning to be more modern and wear 
a blouse and skirt, but instead I ran to my closet and 
found a pretty _obi_, broad like Reina's. I did my best 
to tie it tightly as she had done. As I was struggling 
with it I could hear her on the phone.

"I ordered some take-away from your local _demae_," she 
said as we prepared the table and chairs for dinner. "I 
really can't be bothered with cooking. Ah, that will be 
it now."

The delivery boy obviously liked my appearance as I 
bowed to him and received the dishes at the street 
door. Perhaps I had left the upper part of my _yukata_ 
a little too loose! But then I thought: this is my 
first experience of deliberately making myself 
desirable to a man, as Reina had told me I should. 
Thinking that gave me a funny shivery feeling.

The food was much nicer than anything my mother and I 
usually prepared or ordered except on very special 
occasions. Reina was obviously much freer with her 
money than my mother could afford to be. When we had 
finished she pushed the furniture aside and knelt on 
the carpet which was laid over the _tatami_. I knelt 
beside her - much less elegantly than she had done - 
until she put her arms round me and pulled my head onto 
her lap.

"Tell me about your job, Reina-san," I said. I was in 
no hurry to get started on my homework.

"Oh, I do various things. Mainly I work in a movie 
studio," she said carelessly.

"You mean you're an actress?" I said. "How exciting!"

"Well, some of the time. But I do other things too, 
freelance work, a bit of modelling, escort work ... 
jobs for the movie company outside the studio."

I had read about escort work in the magazines I shared 
with my friends. It sounded very exciting and I wanted 
to ask about it. But first I wanted her to tell me 
about being an actress. What sort of movies had she 
appeared in?

"I'd love to visit you in the studio one day," I said. 
"May I?"

"Well, perhaps ..."

Her hands had found their way into the side-slits of my 
_yukata_ and were stroking my breasts.

"That's nice ..." I said lazily. But then: "Is it all 
right to have such a nice time with another girl? I 
mean, I'm not turning into a lesbian, am I?"

She laughed and tweaked my nipples the way I loved.

"All girls are a bit lesbian," she said. "All Japanese 
girls, that is. It's one of things that makes being a 
girl such fun. Of course, sex with men is the best, but 
we girls should learn how to give each other pleasure 
too. And then ... nothing excites men more than 
watching girls make love to each other."

"You mean ... two girls together and then men there 
too, in the same place?"

I had never imagined such a thing. When boys joined us 
in the school gymnasium of course we girls stopped 
whatever we were doing with each other and did what 
they wanted instead.

"Yes. You'll learn. I'll teach you. But now: what about 
that homework?"

She scrambled to her feet and left me alone to get on 
with my work while she cleared the table and stacked 
the restaurant's dishes outside the street door for the 
delivery boy to collect later. When, finished at last, 
I returned to the living area she was quietly looking 
through the evening edition of the paper just as my 
mother would have done.

"All done? Then I think we ought to go to bed. I have 
to be up early tomorrow to get you off to school, and 
then I have to go to work."

"Of course," I said. "Let me help you lay out your 

Although we sat at Western furniture for meals, in our 
old-fashioned house we still slept Japanese style. 
Reina was to use my mother's room - there was nowhere 
else, after all - separated from my smaller one by a 
pair of sliding panels. Together we opened the storage 
closet and unfolded the mattresses on which she would 
sleep and the lighter covering _futon_.

"You can join me if you like," she said casually when 
we had finished. "I'll just go and wash."

I was thrilled at the idea of enjoying her company for 
a little longer. I sat in my little room till I heard 
her come out of the bathroom, then visited it myself to 
prepare for bed. On my return I opened the sliding door 
to her room a little way, kneeling correctly outside. 
She was already lying under the _futon_, the room lit 
only by a floor-lamp, its three-way switch turned so 
that just the small night-light bulb was on.

"May I ...?" I asked, hoping so much she hadn't changed 
her mind.

"Of course!" she replied.

I was still wearing my _yukata_. Normally I sleep in 
pink flannel pyjamas decorated with a "Hello Kitty!" 
motif. As I pulled back a corner of the _futon_ I saw 
in the dim light that she was naked. I froze, 
completely at a loss what to do. Reina understood at 

"I always sleep naked," she said, as if it was the most 
natural thing in the world. "Even when I'm alone. It 
feels _so_ much nicer! Don't you do that?"

Feeling at ease now that I knew what was expected of 
me, I undid the bow of my _obi_ and slipped out of my 
_yukata_. I laid the garments neatly on the floor and 
slipped into bed beside her. The rough touch of the 
cotton sheets did indeed feel nice against my bare 
skin. Reina put her arms round me and cuddled me 
against her smooth nakedness. The contrast excited me; 
her long hair felt delicately stimulating as it fell 
over my face and shoulders, and her hard nipples 
pressed excitingly against my breasts. A complex mass 
of feelings flooded through me and I felt too confused 
to analyse them. I wondered what Reina had meant by 
sleeping naked even when she was alone. I wanted to ask 
whom she usually slept with: did she have a regular 
boyfriend? But I could not find the words.

"Tomorrow's Friday," she said lazily. "You don't have 
school on Saturday, do you?"

"No. We used to have half-day school, but this year the 
school decided to cancel it in the summer months."

"Good. That means we can sleep late if we want to. So 
on Friday night I'll take you out somewhere."

"Ooh, yes please!"

"I know just the right place. It's a very nice bar. I 
often go there to meet friends."

"Thank you! It sounds lovely! But ... I've nothing nice 
enough to wear ..."

"Don't worry! I'll bring you a pretty dress from my 
studio. They have a big costume department, of course, 
and if I speak nicely to the person in charge she'll 
let me borrow something for you."

"Will you really?" I thought for a moment. "Please tell 
me what you do at your studio. I'd love to know."

"Well, it's a movie studio. I do a bit of acting. And 
other things too. Often I go to other places the studio 
send me to, promoting our products."

"What sort of movies do you act in?"

She thought for a moment. I could tell she was choosing 
her words carefully.

"Have you heard of AV movies?"

"Adult Videos? Of course I have."

I was glad to be able to sound sophisticated. I had 
never watched any, but my friends and I had read about 
them. The beautiful stars were sometimes featured in 
our magazines, and we admired and envied their 
glamorous poses: daring yet somehow rendered innocent 
by their cute smiles and wide-eyed gazes.

"They're movies showing beautiful girls taking their 
clothes off, aren't they? Is that what you do? How 
lovely you must look! I'd so like to see you do it."

She leant over me, her beautiful hair tumbling even 
more freely over my face and breasts, and suddenly I 
felt her lips on mine. She kissed me: gently at first, 
and then, as my arms closed round her, more 
passionately, her tongue filling my mouth and exploring 
it. Her saliva tasted fresh and sweet. She pulled away 
at last, looking down on me tenderly.

"Oh, please don't stop!" I begged.

Her hands, which had been stroking my breasts, moved 
round my back and held me tight. We rolled over 
together: now she was on her back, pulling me down onto 
her, and it was my turn to explore her mouth with my 
tongue. I could feel one of her hands sliding down my 
back and stroking my bottom, her long fingers just able 
to tickle me between my buttocks.

At last I pulled away. I snuggled down the bed a little 
way, my free hand stroking her beautiful breasts while 
I sucked and nibbled on her hard nipples. I felt her 
right knee rise up between my legs, her thigh rubbing 
delightfully against my crotch. Oh, how good it felt!

Suddenly she reached over and pulled the _futon_ to one 
side so that we lay naked and uncovered on the 
mattress. We rolled over again together so that I was 
once more on my back.

"Let me do that to you!" she said.

Her mouth and hands were pleasuring my breasts while I 
moaned with happiness. She knew exactly how to mingle 
the gratification of her strokings and kisses with the 
deliciously contrasting pinching and squeezing of my 
nipples. Gradually she moved down my body, her legs 
stretching out over the room's _tatami_ matting, her 
kisses tickling and delighting my stomach and - at last 
- reaching my pussy. I raised my knees and opened my 
thighs, as my friends and I did for each other in our 
sessions in the gymnasium. She was lying on her front 
now, her face buried in my crotch and kissing my 
near-hairless cleft, one arm stretched up so that she 
could still stroke and squeeze my breasts, the other 
hand under my bottom and one long finger preparing to 
penetrate my anus. This was much more than I had ever 
experienced when my friends and I stroked and petted 
each other. And of course it was right because Reina 
was doing it to me and Reina knew ... I flung my head 
back over the little hard pillow and moaned in helpless 

At last she looked up.

"Wouldn't you like to do it to me?"

"Oh, yes - _yes_ - please!"

She crawled back up the mattress and lay on her back, 
her legs apart. Under her guidance I turned right round 
and lay over her, my lips reverently kissing her 
exquisite crotch while her neatly trimmed pubic hair 
tickled my face. I felt her hands arrange my thighs on 
either side of her head. She deftly piled the two 
pillows behind her neck, bringing her head to the exact 
position she required for comfortable access to my 
pussy. Lustrous nectar was now dripping from hers - so 
much more delicious even than the thick cream I loved 
to suck from boys' cocks - and I lapped it up happily. 
I think I was dripping into her mouth too.

Suddenly I felt her tongue move delicately up my crack 
until it was tickling my little arsehole. No one had 
ever done _that_ to me before! When she considered my 
anus was thoroughly moistened she began to explore it - 
oh, so gently! - with one slim finger while her tongue 
returned to my pussy. Her long, tapered fingernail 
scratched and tickled delicately, maddeningly.

I wanted it to last for ever, but after - what? an hour 
or so I suppose - we began to tire. I gradually drifted 
off to sleep, filled with dreams of ecstasy, still in 
my 69 position with my head pillowed on Reina's left 


[1] Rice served in a bowl is called _gohan_ and eaten 
with chopsticks; when it is served on a plate it is 
called _raisu_ and eaten with a fork - yet another of 
those distinctions which seem perfectly obvious to a 
Japanese but incomprehensible to a benighted foreigner.

[Next in Part 02: Chapter II: My First Adventure with 

For complete series so far see 